Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

Its our family heritage, a sword tha used by Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb (Kurdish: سەلاحەدینی ئەییووبی/Selahedînê Eyûbî; Arabic: صلاح الدين يوسف بن أيوب‎; Turkish:Selahaddin Eyyûbî) (1137/1138 – 4 March 1193)  better known in the Western world as Saladin, was the first Sultan ofEgypt and Syria and the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty. A Muslim of Kurdish[4][5][6] origin, Saladin led the Muslim opposition to the European Crusaders in the Levant. At the height of his power, his sultanate included Egypt, Syria,Mesopotamia, Hejaz, Yemen and other parts of North Africa.

Damascus sword – Purportedly told by ancestors of the Damascus sword is a sword that was used when the crusade III in 1157.

Before it found the atomic bomb, chemical weapons, fighter planes, tanks, guns and Cannon, or humans fight each other using the sword as his main weapon for several centuries. For the reason that a sword is strong yet lightweight for useinto a very valuable objects to determine a person's life and death in the war.

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But did you know that the most powerful sword in the world (according to experts in Europe) is not the sword katana used by the samurai in feudal Japanera (such as that we often see on television and movies), but it is the sword ofthe Muslim troops made in Damascus, Syria, and better known as the sword ofDamascus (Damascus sword). The Crusaders acknowledged that they struggledto defeat a Muslim soldier-soldier one factor penentunya is the existence of this sword.

Damascus swords made in the period 900 – 1800 M, which after this period, the science of making swords such as missing swallowed the Earth and no one wasable to make a sword with a similar capability. At this time, to be able to take a closer look about the Damascus sword, researchers and scientists are always looking for references to several museums in Europe and America which still holds examples of oversized sword.

What causes the Damascus swords became very famous with his strength(famous for being able to penetrate the shields and armor Army Europe) but noteasily cracked/broken? The answer lies in the use of science that is currentlybecoming a trend, i.e. the application of nanotechnology material impurities(non-metal and non-carbon) steel that formed the dough in a pattern similar tothe flow of water, known as Multi Walled Carbon Nano Tube.

Steel is the result of a homogeneous mixture of the basic ingredients of ironadded with carbon. The higher the carbon content (2% or more), then the steelis going to be very hard and strong, but it will be very easy to crack/break.Instead, a little mix of carbon (less or equal to 0.5%) were made of steel to beanti cracking (high long-term durability) but very soft, Bendable but its elasticitylevel will be reduced (young's modulus is low).

Then, in a soft steel (0.5%) of the carbon levels given the level of impurities(usually titanium or vanadium materials to form the Carbon Nano Tube), then its power will rise to 20 times as much at once can increase the ability of supplesteel up to 6-10 times (to prevent cracking).

With the right blend of ingredients, combined with the establishment andwarming up multiple times (approximately 20 times the cycle) as well as the accurate temperature setting, then a sword Damascus we can get. But who is thefirst person approximately in this century who was able to unveil the mysteries of the creation of the sword of the famous Muslim? Was a Professor ofmetallurgy of Iowa State University named John d. Verhoeven, who began this research since 1982, who collaborated with Alfred h. Pendray, a blacksmith from Florida who are interested in trying to make Damascus sword for years.